Standard Table
June 15, 2022
1 min
npm install react-native-tableview --save
yarn add react-native-tableview
react-native link react-native-tableview
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { Text, View, ScrollView,TextInput,StyleSheet, ActivityIndicator,Image } from 'react-native'; import { Cell,Section, TableView } from 'react-native-tableview-simple'; export default class App extends Component{ render() { return( <ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.conatiner}> <TableView > <Section header="Table With Images" > <Cell cellStyle="Basic" title="Basic" image={ <Image style={{ borderRadius: 5 }} source={ require ('./pics/dis.png') } /> } /> <Cell cellStyle="RightDetail" title="RightDetail" detail="Detail" image={ <Image style={{ borderRadius: 5 }} source={ require ('./pics/clock.png') } /> } /> <Cell cellStyle="Subtitle" title="Devloper Mode" detail="OFF" image={ <Image style={{ borderRadius: 5 }} source={ require ('./pics/sec.png') } /> } /> <Cell cellStyle="Basic" title="Press To Send Massege" onPress={() => console.log('Heyo from image table')} image={ <Image style={{ borderRadius: 5 }} source={ require ('./pics/key.png') } /> } /> </Section> </TableView> </ScrollView> ) } } const styles= StyleSheet.create({ conatiner:{ backgroundColor: '#EFEFF4', paddingTop:20, paddingBottom:20 } })
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